Interface RequestRequestContextAddon<R extends RequestContext<?>>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RequestRequestContextAddon<R extends RequestContext<?>>
Methods related to the current request.
  • Method Details

    • getHttpMethod

      HttpMethod getHttpMethod()
      Gets the request's HTTP method.
    • getContentTypeBestMatch

      ContentTypeDefaults getContentTypeBestMatch()
      Finds the best Content-Type to use for a response using the "Accept" header of the request. It will fallback to ContentTypeDefaults.TEXT if nothing more specific is found.
    • isJsonShouldBeReturn

      boolean isJsonShouldBeReturn()
      Will return true if the request specifies that Json is the most appropriate format to return.
    • isHTMLShouldBeReturn

      boolean isHTMLShouldBeReturn()
      Will return true if the request specifies that HTML is the most appropriate format to return.
    • isXMLShouldBeReturn

      boolean isXMLShouldBeReturn()
      Will return true if the request specifies that XML is the most appropriate format to return.
    • isPlainTextShouldBeReturn

      boolean isPlainTextShouldBeReturn()
      Will return true if the request specifies that plain-text is the most appropriate format to return.
    • getLocaleBestMatch

      Locale getLocaleBestMatch()
      Find what the request tells should be the best Locale to use for a response, by looking at the "Accept-Language" header.

      Note that this will not necessarily be the absolute best Locale to used for the user: it will not look at cookies or at any other ways the user may have specified its langague preference! It only look at the request itself.

      Use RequestContext.getLocaleToUse() or LocaleResolver.getLocaleToUse() directly if you want to know the absolute best Locale to use for the user!

      the default Locale (taken from the configurations) if nothing more specific is found on the request.
    • getHeaders

      Map<String,List<String>> getHeaders()
      Returns all headers of the current request. A single header can have multiple values. The implementation is a TreeMap which iscase insensitive for the keys. The map is immutable.
    • getHeader

      List<String> getHeader(String name)
      Returns the values of the specified header from the current request or an empty list if not found.

      The name is case insensitive.

      The list is immutable.

    • getHeaderFirst

      String getHeaderFirst(String name)
      The first value of the specified header from the current request.

      The name is case insensitive.

      Returns null if the header is not found.

    • getContentType

      String getContentType()
      The Content-Type of the request, if any.
      the Content-Type of the request or null if none was specified.
    • getFullUrl

      String getFullUrl()
      Returns the current full URL, including the queryString, if any. Cache buster codes are removed, if there were any.

      In case the request has been forwarded, this will be the *new*, the current URL. Use getFullUrlOriginal() to get the original URL, before the request was forwarded.

      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port from the original URL, as seen by the user. In general, this is what you want to use in your application.

    • getFullUrl

      String getFullUrl(boolean keepCacheBusters)
      Returns the current full URL, including the queryString, if any.

      In case the request has been forwarded, this will be the *new*, the current URL. Use getFullUrlOriginal() to get the original URL, before the request was forwarded.

      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port from the original URL, as seen by the user. In general, this is what you want to use in your application.

      keepCacheBusters - if true, the returned URL will contain the cache buster codes, if there were any. The default behavior is to automatically remove them.
    • getFullUrlOriginal

      String getFullUrlOriginal()
      If the request has been forwarded, this is going to return the original URL, not the current, forwarded, one. Cache buster codes are removed, if there were any.

      Use getFullUrl() to get the current, potentially forwarded URL.

      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port from the original URL, as seen by the user. In general, this is what you want to use in your application.

    • getFullUrlOriginal

      String getFullUrlOriginal(boolean keepCacheBusters)
      If the request has been forwarded, this is going to return the original URL, not the current, forwarded, one.

      Use getFullUrl() to get the current, potentially forwarded URL.

      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port from the original URL, as seen by the user. In general, this is what you want to use in your application.

      keepCacheBusters - if true, the returned URL will contain the cache buster codes, if there were any. The default behavior is to automatically remove them.
    • getFullUrlProxied

      String getFullUrlProxied()
      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port as forwarded by the reserve proxy, not as seen by the user. Cache buster codes are removed, if there were any.

      If the request has been forwarded, this is going to return the original URL, not the current, forwarded, one.

      In general, you should probably use getFullUrl() or getFullUrlOriginal() instead of this one.

    • getFullUrlProxied

      String getFullUrlProxied(boolean keepCacheBusters)
      If a reverse proxy has been used, this URL will contain the scheme, host and port as forwarded by the reserve proxy, not as seen by the user. Cache buster codes are removed, if there were any.

      If the request has been forwarded, this is going to return the original URL, not the current, forwarded, one.

      In general, you should probably use getFullUrl() or getFullUrlOriginal() instead of this one.

      keepCacheBusters - if true, the returned URL will contain the cache buster codes, if there were any. The default behavior is to automatically remove them.
    • getRequestPath

      String getRequestPath()
      The path of the request (no querystring).
    • getRequestPath

      String getRequestPath(boolean keepCacheBusters)
      The path of the request (no querystring).
      keepCacheBusters - if true, the returned path will contain the cache buster codes, if there were any. The default behavior is to automatically remove them.
    • getPathParams

      Map<String,String> getPathParams()
      The values parsed from the dynamic parameters of the route path. The map is immutable.
    • getPathParam

      String getPathParam(String name)
      A specific value parsed from a dynamic parameter of the route path. The name is case sensitive, since you have easy control over it.
      the path param value or null if not found.
    • getQueryString

      String getQueryString(boolean withQuestionMark)
      The queryString of the request. Returns an empty String if there is no queryString.
      withQuestionMark - if true and the queryString is not empty, the result will be prefixed with "?".
    • getQueryStringParams

      Map<String,List<String>> getQueryStringParams()
      The parameters taken from the queryString of the request. A queryString parameter may have multiple values. Returns an empty list if there is no queryString. The map is immutable.
    • getQueryStringParam

      List<String> getQueryStringParam(String name)
      A specific parameter taken from the queryString of the request. A queryString parameter may have multiple values. Returns an empty list if the parameter doesn't exist. The list is immutable.
    • getQueryStringParamFirst

      String getQueryStringParamFirst(String name)
      The first (and often only) value of a specific parameter taken from the queryString of the request. Returns null if the parameter doesn't exist.
    • getBodyAsInputStream

      InputStream getBodyAsInputStream()
      The raw InputStream of the request's body. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getBodyAsByteArray

      byte[] getBodyAsByteArray()
      The bytes of the request's body. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getBodyAsString

      String getBodyAsString()
      The request's body as a String, using the UTF-8 encoding. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getStringBody

      String getStringBody(String encoding)
      The request's body as a String, using the specified encoding. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getJsonBody

      JsonObject getJsonBody()
      The request's body deserialized to an immutable JsonObject. A valid Json body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getJsonBodyAsMap

      Map<String,Object> getJsonBodyAsMap()
      The request's body deserialized to a Map<String, Object>. A valid Json body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getJsonBody

      <T> T getJsonBody(Class<T> clazz)
      The request's body deserialized to the specified class. A valid Json body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getXmlBodyAsJsonObject

      JsonObject getXmlBodyAsJsonObject()
      The request's body deserialized to an immutable JsonObject. A valid XML body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getXmlBodyAsMap

      Map<String,Object> getXmlBodyAsMap()
      The request's body deserialized to a Map<String, Object>. A valid XML body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getXmlBody

      <T> T getXmlBody(Class<T> clazz)
      The request's body deserialized to the specified class. A valid XML body is expected. Note that once part of the InputStream is read, it can't be read again!
    • getFormBodyRaw

      Map<String,List<String>> getFormBodyRaw()
      The data submitted as a FORM body (in general via a POST method), as a Map.

      The names are case sensitive.

      This returns the keys/values as is, without trying to parse the keys as JsonPaths.

      This returns an immutable object! You won't be able to add or remove elements.

    • getFormBodyAsJsonObject

      JsonObject getFormBodyAsJsonObject()
      The data submitted as a FORM body (in general via a POST method), as an immutable JsonObject.

      The root keys of the field names and are case sensitive.

      The root keys will be parsed as JsonPaths to build the final JsonObject. For example : user.books[1].name will be converted to a "user" JsonObject with a "books" arrays with one book at index "1" and this book has a "name" property.

      an immutable instance of JsonObject. If you want to get a mutable instance, you can call .clone(true) on this object.
    • getFormOrCreate

      Form getFormOrCreate(String rootKey)
      Gets the part of the submitted FORM body that is scoped by the specified root key.

      When an HTML form is submitted, there may be utility fields (such as a CSRF token, etc.) in addition to business logic fields. By using this getFormOrCreate(String) you only get the fields which names start with the specified root key. For example, if this HTML form was submitted:

        <input type="text" name="csrfToken" value="12345" />
        <input type="text" name="myUser.userName" value="Stromgol" />
        <input type="text" name="myUser.lastNameName" value="LaPierre" />

      ... then calling getFormWithRootKey("myUser") would return a Form object containing the "userName" and the "userName" fields, but not the "csrfToken".

      A Form object is in fact a JsonObject containing the submitted fields and a ValidationSet to store validations performed on it.

      The same field is returned, everytime this method is called with the same name.

      If the root key is not found in the POSTed data, an empty form will be created.

      Never returns null.

      The key are case sensitive.

    • getForm

      Form getForm(String rootKey)
      Gets the part of the submitted FORM body that is scoped by the specified root key.

      When an HTML form is submitted, there may be utility fields (such as a CSRF token, etc.) in addition to business logic fields. By using this getFormOrCreate(String) you only get the fields which names start with the specified root key. For example, if this HTML form was submitted:

        <input type="text" name="csrfToken" value="12345" />
        <input type="text" name="myUser.userName" value="Stromgol" />
        <input type="text" name="myUser.lastNameName" value="LaPierre" />

      ... then calling getFormWithRootKey("myUser") would return a Form object containing the "userName" and the "userName" fields, but not the "csrfToken".

      A Form object is in fact a JsonObject containing the submitted fields and a ValidationSet to store validations performed on it.

      The same field is returned, everytime this method is called with the same name.

      If the root key is not found in the POSTed data, an empty form will be created.

      The key are case sensitive.

      the form if it exists or null otherwise.
    • getUploadedFiles

      Map<String,List<UploadedFile>> getUploadedFiles()
      The key of the map if the HTML's name attribute.

      More than one uploaded file with the same name is possible. The map is immutable.

      Returns an empty map if there are no uploadded file.

    • getUploadedFiles

      List<UploadedFile> getUploadedFiles(String htmlName)
      The uploaded files of the specified HTML's name attribute.

      More than one uploaded file with the same name is possible. The list is immutable. Returns an empty list if no uploaded files of this name exists.

    • getUploadedFileFirst

      UploadedFile getUploadedFileFirst(String htmlName)
      The uploaded files of the specified HTML's name attribute.

      The first (and often only) uploaded file of the specified name.

      Returns null if no uploaded file of this name exists.

    • isHttps

      boolean isHttps()
      Is the request a secure HTTPS one?
    • getEtagsFromIfNoneMatchHeader

      List<ETag> getEtagsFromIfNoneMatchHeader()
      Returns the ETags from the If-None-Match header, if any.
      the If-None-Match ETags or an empty list if there is none.
    • getEtagsFromIfMatchHeader

      List<ETag> getEtagsFromIfMatchHeader()
      Returns the ETags from the If-Match header, if any.
      the If-Match ETags or an empty list if there is none.
    • getDateFromIfModifiedSinceHeader

      Date getDateFromIfModifiedSinceHeader()
      Return the value of the If-Modified-Since header as a Date or null if it doesn't exist.
    • getDateFromIfUnmodifiedSinceHeader

      Date getDateFromIfUnmodifiedSinceHeader()
      Return the value of the If-Unmodified-Since header as a Date or null if it doesn't exist.
    • getFlashMessage

      FlashMessage getFlashMessage()
      Gets the Flash message, if any.
      the Flash message or null if there is none.
    • isFlashMessageExists

      boolean isFlashMessageExists()
      Is there a Flash message?
    • getCookiesValues

      Map<String,String> getCookiesValues()
      Gets the the request cookies values as a Map, using the names of the cookies as the keys.
    • getCookieValue

      String getCookieValue(String name)
      Gets the value of a request cookie by name.
      the value or null if not found.
    • isCookiesEnabledValidated

      boolean isCookiesEnabledValidated()
      Did we validate that the current user has cookies enabled?
    • getIp

      String getIp()
      Gets the IP of the current request.