Class SpincastUtilsDefault

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpincastUtilsDefault extends Object implements SpincastUtils
Implementations of the Spincast utilities.
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected static final org.slf4j.Logger logger
  • Constructor Details

    • SpincastUtilsDefault

      @Inject public SpincastUtilsDefault(SpincastConfig spincastConfig)
  • Method Details

    • getSpincastConfig

      protected SpincastConfig getSpincastConfig()
    • getFileSystemsLocks

      protected Map<String,Object> getFileSystemsLocks()
    • getFileSystemLock

      protected Object getFileSystemLock(URI jarDirUri)
    • getGeneratedTempFilesDir

      protected File getGeneratedTempFilesDir()
    • isContentTypeToSkipGziping

      public boolean isContentTypeToSkipGziping(String contentType)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Should the specified Content-Type be gzipped?
      Specified by:
      isContentTypeToSkipGziping in interface SpincastUtils
    • getMimeTypeFromMultipleSources

      public String getMimeTypeFromMultipleSources(String responseContentTypeHeader, String resourcePath, String requestPath)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the mime type using multiple sources of information.
      Specified by:
      getMimeTypeFromMultipleSources in interface SpincastUtils
      resourcePath - the path (absolute or relative) to the target resource. Can be null.
      requestPath - the path of the current request. Can be null.
      the mime type or null if it can't be decided.
    • getMimeTypeFromPath

      public String getMimeTypeFromPath(String path)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the mime type from a path, using its extension.
      Specified by:
      getMimeTypeFromPath in interface SpincastUtils
      the mime type or null if it can't be decided.
    • getMimeTypeFromExtension

      public String getMimeTypeFromExtension(String extension)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the mime type from the extension.
      Specified by:
      getMimeTypeFromExtension in interface SpincastUtils
      the mime type or null if it can't be decided.
    • getLocaleBestMatchFromAcceptLanguageHeader

      public Locale getLocaleBestMatchFromAcceptLanguageHeader(String header)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the best Locale to use given a "Accept-Language" HTTP header.
      Specified by:
      getLocaleBestMatchFromAcceptLanguageHeader in interface SpincastUtils
      the best Locale to use or null if the given header can't be parsed.
    • isClasspathResourceLoadedFromJar

      public boolean isClasspathResourceLoadedFromJar(String resourcePath)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Is the classpath resource in a .jar file? Otherwise it is on the file system.
      Specified by:
      isClasspathResourceLoadedFromJar in interface SpincastUtils
    • getAppJarDirectory

      public File getAppJarDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      If the project is running from an executable .jar file, this will return the directory containing this .jar file.
      Specified by:
      getAppJarDirectory in interface SpincastUtils
      the directory path or null if the application is not running from an executable .jar file.
    • isClassLoadedFromJar

      public boolean isClassLoadedFromJar(Class<?> clazz)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Was the specified Class loaded from a .jar file?
      Specified by:
      isClassLoadedFromJar in interface SpincastUtils
    • getClassLocationDirOrJarFile

      public File getClassLocationDirOrJarFile(Class<?> clazz)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      The location of the specified class.

      This will be a directory if the class was loaded from the file system as a standalone .class file or a .jar file if the class was loaded from a jar.

      You can use SpincastUtils.isClassLoadedFromJar(Class) to know if the class was loaded from a .jar file or not.

      Specified by:
      getClassLocationDirOrJarFile in interface SpincastUtils
    • isRunningFromExecutableJar

      public boolean isRunningFromExecutableJar()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Is the current code running from an executable .jar? An executable .jar is a jar with Main-Class in its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
      Specified by:
      isRunningFromExecutableJar in interface SpincastUtils
    • getAppRootDirectoryNoJar

      public File getAppRootDirectoryNoJar()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      If the project is not running from an executable .jar file, this will return the root directory of the project on the file system.
      Specified by:
      getAppRootDirectoryNoJar in interface SpincastUtils
      the directory path or null if the application is running from an executable .jar file.
    • getSpincastCurrentVersion

      public String getSpincastCurrentVersion()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the current Spincast version.
      Specified by:
      getSpincastCurrentVersion in interface SpincastUtils
    • getCurrentVersionFromPom

      protected String getCurrentVersionFromPom()
    • zipDirectory

      public void zipDirectory(File directoryToZip, File targetZipFile, boolean includeDirItself)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Zips a directory.
      Specified by:
      zipDirectory in interface SpincastUtils
      targetZipFile - the target .zip file. If the parent directories don't exist, tries to create them.
    • zipExtract

      public void zipExtract(File zipFile, File targetDir)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Extracts a .zip file to the specified directory.
      Specified by:
      zipExtract in interface SpincastUtils
      targetDir - The target directory. If it doesn't exist, tried to create it (and its parents, if required).
    • getCacheBusterCode

      public String getCacheBusterCode()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      The current cache buster to use.

      This should probably change each time the application is restarted or at least redeployed.

      It should also be in such a format that it's possible to remove it from a given text.

      This must be kept in sync with removeCacheBusterCode!

      Specified by:
      getCacheBusterCode in interface SpincastUtils
    • generateCacheBusterCode

      protected String generateCacheBusterCode()
    • isAlwaysChangeCacheBusterCodeInDevMode

      protected boolean isAlwaysChangeCacheBusterCodeInDevMode()
    • removeCacheBusterCodes

      public String removeCacheBusterCodes(String text)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Removes the cache buster code occurences from the given text.

      Note that this won't simply remove the current cache busting code, it will remove any valid cache busting code... This is what we want since we don't want a client sending a request containing an old cache busting code to break!

      This must be kept in sync with getCacheBusterCode!

      Specified by:
      removeCacheBusterCodes in interface SpincastUtils
    • readClasspathFile

      public String readClasspathFile(String path)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Reads a file on the classpath and returns it as a String.

      Paths are always considered from the root at the classpath. You can start the path with a "/" or not, it makes no difference.

      Uses the UTF-8 encoding.

      Specified by:
      readClasspathFile in interface SpincastUtils
      the content of the file or null if not found.
    • readClasspathFile

      public String readClasspathFile(String path, String encoding)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Reads a file on the classpath and returns it as a String.

      Paths are always considered from the root at the classpath. You can start the path with a "/" or not, it makes no difference.

      Specified by:
      readClasspathFile in interface SpincastUtils
      the content of the file or null if not found.
    • getClasspathInputStream

      public InputStream getClasspathInputStream(String classpathPath)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Gets the InputStream from a resource on the classpath.

      IMPORTANT : the code is responsible to close the inputstream!

      Also note that when an application is running from an executable .jar, you must use this instead of trying to get a File from the resource!

      Specified by:
      getClasspathInputStream in interface SpincastUtils
      the InputStream or null if the resource is not found.
    • copyClasspathFileToFileSystem

      public void copyClasspathFileToFileSystem(String classpathFilePath, File fileSystemFile)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Copy a file from the classpath (located in a .jar or not) to the specified file system file.

      If the target file already exists, if will be overwritten.

      Specified by:
      copyClasspathFileToFileSystem in interface SpincastUtils
    • copyClasspathDirToFileSystem

      public void copyClasspathDirToFileSystem(String classpathDirPath, File targetDir)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Copy a directory from the classpath (located in a .jar or not) to the specified file system directory.

      If the target directory already exists, if will be overwritten.

      Specified by:
      copyClasspathDirToFileSystem in interface SpincastUtils
    • copyJarDirToFileSystem

      protected void copyJarDirToFileSystem(String jarDirPath, File targetDir)
    • copyJarFileToFileSystem

      protected void copyJarFileToFileSystem(String jarDirPath, File targetFile)
    • isContainsSpecialCharacters

      public boolean isContainsSpecialCharacters(String str)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Validate if a String contains characters below 31 or DEL (127).
      Specified by:
      isContainsSpecialCharacters in interface SpincastUtils
      true if the String contains characters below 31 (or DEL (127). If the String is null, false is returned.
    • inQuotesStringFormat

      public String inQuotesStringFormat(String str, boolean singleQuotes)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Format a String so it can be outputed in a HTML page, as a one line javascript string or the attribute of an HTML element.
      Specified by:
      inQuotesStringFormat in interface SpincastUtils
      singleQuotes - if false, double quotes are expected as the string delimiter.
    • enumValueOfInsensitive

      public <T extends Enum<?>> T enumValueOfInsensitive(Class<T> enumClass, String str)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Perform a case insensitive valueOf(value) search on an enum.
      Specified by:
      enumValueOfInsensitive in interface SpincastUtils
    • convertLongSetToLongPrimitiveArray

      public long[] convertLongSetToLongPrimitiveArray(Set<Long> longSet)
      Specified by:
      convertLongSetToLongPrimitiveArray in interface SpincastUtils
    • createTempFilePath

      public String createTempFilePath()
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Creates a randomly named temp file path in the temporary writable directory.
      Specified by:
      createTempFilePath in interface SpincastUtils
    • basicHtml

      public String basicHtml(boolean newlineToBrFirst, String html)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Cleans HTML, only allowing basic elements.

      Elements from are allowed + "center" tags. Relative paths are allowed in links.

      Images tags are not allowed.

      Specified by:
      basicHtml in interface SpincastUtils
    • basicHtml

      public String basicHtml(boolean newlineToBrFirst, String html, boolean allowImages)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Cleans HTML, only allowing basic elements.

      Elements from are allowed + "center" tags. Relative paths are allowed in links.

      Specified by:
      basicHtml in interface SpincastUtils
      allowImages - if true image tags will also be allowed.
    • getRandomElement

      public <T> T getRandomElement(Set<T> set)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Returns a random element from the set or null if the set is null or empty.
      Specified by:
      getRandomElement in interface SpincastUtils
    • getQuerystringFromUrl

      public String getQuerystringFromUrl(String url)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Return the querystring of an URL, without leading "?". Returns an empty string if there is no querystring.

      The querystring returned is NOT decoded using URLDecoder.decode).

      Specified by:
      getQuerystringFromUrl in interface SpincastUtils
    • getQuerystringParametersFromUrl

      public Map<String,List<String>> getQuerystringParametersFromUrl(String url)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Parses an URL and returns the list of its querystring parameters, if any.

      The querystring will be decoded using (using URLDecoder.decode).

      Specified by:
      getQuerystringParametersFromUrl in interface SpincastUtils
    • getParametersFromQuerystring

      public Map<String,List<String>> getParametersFromQuerystring(String qs, boolean decodeQueryStringFirst)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Parses a querystring (starting with a "?" or not) and returns the list of parameters.
      Specified by:
      getParametersFromQuerystring in interface SpincastUtils
      decodeQueryStringFirst - if true, the querystring will be decoded (using URLDecoder.decode) prior to being parsed.
    • isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension

      public boolean isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension(URI currentURI, String suffix)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Returns true if the name of the requested resource ends with the specified suffix. The name is the part before the extension, if there is one.

      Manage the fact that routing may be case sensitive or not.

      Note that you should specify a "-" if your suffixe starts with this.

      Specified by:
      isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension in interface SpincastUtils
    • isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension

      public boolean isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension(String resourceBaseName, String suffix)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Returns true if the name of the requested resource ends with the specified suffix. The name is the part before the extension, if there is one.

      Manage the fact that routing may be case sensitive or not.

      Note that you should specify a "-" if your suffixe starts with this.

      Specified by:
      isRequestedResourceNameEndsWithBeforeExtension in interface SpincastUtils
      resourceBaseName - the base name of the requested resource, as it would be returned by FilenameUtils.getBaseName(String), without the potential extension.
    • convertToFriendlyToken

      public String convertToFriendlyToken(String str)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Convert a string so it can be used in an URL without being escaped: remove accents, spaces, etc.

      This can be used to create "friendly token" in an SEO optimized URL. It can also be used to create a human friendly file name from a random string.

      Be careful if you plan on using the result of this methos as an unique token since many strings may result in the same thing!

      Specified by:
      convertToFriendlyToken in interface SpincastUtils
      the string with only A-Z, "-" and "_" characters. Or, if the resulting string is empty, a random UUID will be returned.
    • convertToFriendlyToken

      public String convertToFriendlyToken(String str, String resultIfEmpty)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Convert a string so it can be used in an URL without being escaped: remove accents, spaces, etc.

      This can be used to create "friendly token" in an SEO optimized URL. It can also be used to create a human friendly file name from a random string.

      Be careful if you plan on using the result of this method as an unique token since many strings may result in the same thing!

      Specified by:
      convertToFriendlyToken in interface SpincastUtils
      the string with only A-Z, "-" and "_" characters. Or, if the resulting string is empty, the resultIfEmpty param is returned.
    • isPortOpen

      public boolean isPortOpen(String host, int port)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Validate if a port is open and connectable.
      Specified by:
      isPortOpen in interface SpincastUtils
    • clearDirectory

      public void clearDirectory(File dir)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Empty a directory if it exists.
      Specified by:
      clearDirectory in interface SpincastUtils
    • sortMapByValues

      public <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K,V> sortMapByValues(Map<K,V> map)
      Description copied from interface: SpincastUtils
      Sort a Map by value
      Specified by:
      sortMapByValues in interface SpincastUtils