All Classes and Interfaces

Admin controller
An Alert is am Error, a Warning or a Confirmation message often displayed at the top of a webpage to inform the user about the result of an action.
The possible levels of an Alert
Base class for WebSocket testing.
Application's custom configurations.
Implementation for the application's custom configurations.
The application controller.
The only purpose of this interface is to make it easier to declare a Route Handler as "AppHandler" instead of "Handler<AppRequestContext>".
Configure Logback
Guice module for the application.
Custom Pebble extension.
Interface of our custom Request Context type.
Implementation of our custom Request Context type.
Custom request context class
The only purpose of this interface is to make it easier to inject the application specific Router by using "AppRouter" instead of "Router<AppRequestContext, AppWebsocketContext>".
The only purpose of this interface is to make it easier to inject the application specific router by using "AppRouter" instead of "Router<AppRequestContext, DefaultWebsocketContext>".
The only purpose of this class is to make it easier to inject the application specific Router by using "AppRouter" instead of "Router<AppRequestContext, AppWebsocketContext>".
Informations about the configurations to use when testing the application.
Custom type which allows our application to extend the default Websocket Context.
Implementation of our custom Websocket Context type.
Represents the current attempt.
A criteria for which a maximum of attempts at an action may have been reached.
An attempt rule.
Attempts manager.
Performs formatting of basic SQL statements (DML + query).
Provides methods that can be called before and after tests from a class are ran.
Builders that can send a body, or upload files.
Implementation for the builders that can send a body or upload files..
Boolean object that can't be autoboxed.
Handler to remove cache busters from the request path.
Handler to remove cache buster codes from the request URL.
Factory to create CacheBusterRemovalHandler
Request context add-on to work with cache headers.
Allows you to ignore a test class entirely.
Exception thrown when an element from an JsonObject or from an JsonArray can't be compared to another.
Exception thrown when an element from a JsonObject or from a JsonArray can't be converted to the requested type.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a CONNECT request.
Some often used Content-Types.
An HTTP cookie.
Factory to create cookies.
Possible values for a ccokie's "SameSite" attribute.
Filter to validate if a request contains valid cors headers and, if so, add the required headers as a response.
Interface for a client of the Cors filter.
Cors filter implementation.
A response from the cors filter.
Handler that will add cors headers, when required.
An exception on which it is possible to specify the response status code to send to the user.
Date formatter builder.
Which part(s) of ther date to format and output?
The default format patterns + ISO8601
Default route handler.
The unparamaterized interface for the default request context.
The default implementation of the request context.
Component that binds some default route parameter aliases.
Unparameterized default router interface to easily use a router with the default request context class.
An implementation of the DefaultRouter interface, for easy usage of the default version of the Router.
The unparamaterized interface for the default WebSocket context.
The default WebSocket context to pass to a WebSocket controller when an event arrives (a message is received from the peer, for example).
Default WebSocket route.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a DELETE request.
Form authentication/Session demo controller
HTML Forms - Dynamic Fields demo controller
HTML Forms - File upload demo controller
HTML Forms - Multiple Fields demo controller
HTML Forms - Single Field demo controller
Demos/Tutorials controller
The entity to get a localized message given a specified key.
Base class that can be used for a Dictionary implementation.
A Set of entries to add to the Dictionary.
How to deal with a key that is not found in the dictionary, at runtime?
When you use GuiceModuleUtils.createInterceptorModule(Class, Class, boolean), you can annotate some methods with this to prevent them from being intercepted.
Transforms an element.
Represents an HTTP ETag.
ETag default implementation.
Factory for ETags
Default ETag factory.
What to do with the output of the created processes?
When this annotation is added on a Test Class, the 'beforeClass()' method is expected to fail.
When this annotation is added on a Test Class, it is expected that one or more tests fail.
Information on a file to upload.
A Flash message.
Factory to create Flash Messages.
The potential levels of a Flash message.
Currently used to save the Flash Messages between the time a page sets one, and the time the next page displays it.
TODO Use a Session?
Specialized JsonObject that is also a ValidationSet to store validations.
Thrown when a form is double submitted.
Thrown when a form is submitted with an invalid CRSF token.
Thrown when a form is submitted from an invalid orgin.
Thrown when a submitted form is too old.
Exception that will forward the request to another route.
The front controller is called by the HTTP server when a request for something else than a static resource arrives.
Custom PathHandler that always match on the full path, not the remaining path, if previous PathHandler matched.
Http Client builder for a GET request.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a GET request.
Guice AOP Method Matcher that will matche on the name of the method.
Utilities to inspect/manipulate Guice modules.
Spincast plugin made available through a ThreadLocal.
Handler that will check if gzip compression is required for the resource and, if so, will call a gzip handler before calling the next handler.
Factory to create GzipCheckerHandlers
Control how gzip should be applied on a route.
A route handler.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a HEAD request.
The strategy to apply to hotlinking protect a resource.
A listener for classes redefinitions.
The instance of this class will be created by HotSwap Agent.
Dummy implementation of HotSwapClassesRedefinitionsWatcher used when Hotswap Agent is not available.
A listener for file(s) that are watched for modifications.
Factory to create Http request builders.
Enum for the HTTP methods.
Base for all Http/Websocket request builders.
Http client builders base class.
Spincast Http Client's reponse implementation.
Factory to create Spincast Http Client's reponses.
This is an annotation only useful in some very corner cases tests.
The JDBC queries to run inside a JdbcScope wrapper.
Represents a Json array, "[]".
JsonArray implementation.
Provides methods to play with Json strings and objects.
Links a mixin to a class to (de)serialize using Jackson.
An simple implementation of JsonMixinInfo.
Represents a Json object, "{}".
Base class for both JsonObject and JsonArray.
JsonObject implementation.
Factory to create JsonObject and JsonArray objects.
Base interface for JsonObject and JsonArray.
Utilities to deal with JsonPaths.
Component which finds the best Locale to use, using a cookie, a Accept-Language header or using a custom way.
Used to bind and inject the arguments passed to the "public static void main(String[] args)" method.
A set of news entries and the number total of entries in the repository.
Spincast news entry.
Spincast news entry implementation.
Repository for Spincast's news entry / blog entries.
Spincast News service.
Spincast news service implementation.
Base class for testing without an App but when an HTTP server is required.
Base class for testing without an App but when an HTTP server is required.
Base class for WebSocket testing without an App.
Pseudo-test to be able to run some Spincast tests when no real @Test annotated test exist.
Exception to throw to trigger the "Not Found" route.
Methods to convert an object from a type to another, when possible.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a OPTIONS request.
A simple String to Object pair.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a PATCH request.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a POST request.
Handler to be inform of an exit code, an exception and to be able to kill the started process.
An interface to be implemented by exceptions to indicate that their "message" can be displayed to the end user.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a PUT request.
Exception that will immediately send redirection headers.
Handle to generate the path to redirect a route to.
Builder to create a redirection rule.
Default implementation for the RedirectRuleBuilder interface.
Factory to create RedirectRuleBuilders.
The type of format from PrettyTime.
Pebble filter to remove the HTML tags.
Annotation to specify that a test or a test class will be ran until it fails or the max number of tries is reached.
Annotation to specify that a test or a test class will be ran until it succeeds or the max number of tries is reached.
The result of a call to SpincastRoutingUtils#replaceDynamicParamsInPath(...)
Implementation for result of a call to SpincastRoutingUtils#replaceDynamicParamsInPath(...)
The base interface for a request context.
The base implementation for a request context object.
A wrapper object for the dependencies required by RequestContextBase.
Assisted factory to create request context instances.
Used to bind and inject the request context type.
Methods related to the current request.
Represents a file that can be taken from the file system or from the classpath.
A resource to push using HTTP/2.
Methods to manipulate the response.
An interface for exceptions which allows them to control if the response should be reset (its buffer, headers, etc.) before running the "Exception" routing process.
An exception which allows to control if the response should be reset (its buffer, headers, etc.) before running the "Exception" routing process.
Route<R extends RequestContext<?>>
Represents a regular route and all its informations.
Builder to create a route.
Factory to create a route builder.
Represents a match found by the router.
Router<R extends RequestContext<?>,W extends WebsocketContext<?>>
The router.
Add-on to get information about the current routing process.
The result of the router, when asked to find matches for a request.
The possible types of a routing process.
The interface a HTTP server implementation must implement.
Interceptor that will call the ServerStartedListener listeners once the server is started.
To implement to be informed after the application server is started succesfully.
Some utilities for server implementation.
Exception that will simply stop the current routing process without starting any new one.
Handler that will skip the default resource handler if there is at least one queryString parameter.
Annotation to wrap Swagger annotations used to define specs on a route.
Empty interface used only to create anonymous classes annotated with @Specs.
Starts the initialization of a Spincast application.
Interface for Guice modules that are interested in having the application Modules (combined) passed before the Guice context is actually created.
Spincast Attempts Limiter plugin.
Configurations for the Spincast Attempts Limiter plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast Attempts Limiter plugin.
Spincast Attempts Limiter plugin module.
Repository for attempts.
Provider of scheduled tasks.
Provider of scheduled tasks
Builder to help initialize an application and create its Guice context.
Undertow's ClassPathResourceManager adds a "/" at the end of the "prefix" so it can't be used to serve a specific file.
Undertow's ClassPathResourceManager adds a "/" at the end of the "prefix" so it can't be used to serve a specific file.
The configurations required by Spincast.
If you extend this class (which is recommended to implement your configuration), beware that causing circular dependencies is very easy if you inject more dependencies than SpincastConfigPluginConfig! Indeed, most components depend on the config components.
Configurations for the Spincast Config plugin.
Default configuration for the Spincast Config plugin.
Guice module for the Spincast Config Plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast integration testing.
A wrapper for JDBC connections.
Spincast constants.
Some HTTP headers that are not defined in Guava's
Request scoped variables that Spincast may set.
Model variables added by Spincast.
Global templating variables added by Spincast.
Interface for Guice modules that are interested in the Request Context type and the Websocket Context type.
Provides a default english value for the messages that are required in any Spincast application.
Spincast core plugin
Configurations for the Spincast Crypto plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast Crypto plugin.
Spincast Crypto plugin.
Spincast Crypto plugin module.
Spincast Crypto utils
CSS Autoprefixer manager.
Spincast CSS Autoprefixer plugin.
Spincast CSS Autoprefixer plugin module.
Spincast CSS YUI Compressor plugin configurations.
Pebble extension
Spincast CSS YUI Compressor plugin.
Spincast CSS YUI Compressor plugin module.
Spincast Date Formatter Pebble extension
Spincast Date Formatter plugin.
Spincast Date Formatter plugin module.
Default implementation of the Dictionary.
Spincast Dictionary plugin.
Spincast Dictionary plugin module.
Manager to serve files under a specific directory.
Manager to get a specific File.
Some filters provided by Spincast.
Spincast filters implementations.
Entry point for running a Spincast Flyway migration.
Spincast Flyway Utils plugin.
Spincast Flyway Utils plugin module.
The Forms CSRF Protection Filter.
CSRF protection filter.
The Forms Double Submit Protection Filter.
Configurations for the Spincast Forms Protection plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast Forms Protection plugin.
Spincast Forms Protection Pebble extension
Spincast Forms Protection plugin.
The Dictionary entries required by the Forms Protection plugin.
Spincast Forms Protection plugin module.
Provider for the plugin's scheduled tasks.
Spincast Gson plugin.
Spincast Gson plugin module.
Base class for a Spincast Guice module.
Custom Guice scoped defined by Spincast.
Spincast HotSwap plugin.
Configurations for the Spincast HotSwap plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast HotSwap plugin.
Spincast HotSwap plugin module.
Custom identity manager for Undertow's HTTP auth protection.
Implementation of the SpincastHttpAuthIdentityManager based on a simple Map.
Factory to create identity managers.
Spincast HTTP Caching plugin.
Spincast HTTP Caching plugin module.
Configurations for the Spincast Http Client plugin.
Default configurations for the Spincast Http Client plugin.
Guice module for the Spincast Http Client plugin.
Configurations for the Spincast Http Client with WebSocket support plugin.
Default configurations for the Spincast Http Client with Websocket support plugin.
Guice module for the Spincast Http Client with Websocket support plugin.
Some basic initialization
Init validation performs by Spincast when an application starts.
Extending CommandLineRunner allows us to declare a public constructor and set an "Exit Code Receiver" that never call System.exit().
Spincast JS Closure Compiler plugin configurations.
Pebble extension
Spincast JS Closure Compiler plugin.
Spincast JS Closure Compiler plugin module.
Spincast Jackson Json manager
Configurations for the Spincast Json Manager plugin.
Default configuration for the Spincast Json Manager plugin.
Spincast JUnit Runner.
Spincast Locale Resolver plugin.
Spincast Locale Resolver plugin module.
Component to configure Logback.
Spincast Logback Utils plugin.
Spincast Logback Utils plugin module.
Spincast Main Pebble extension
Spincast Main Pebble extension implementation.
Script ran at the "prepare-package" phase, when building the website.
Script ran at the "prepare-package" phase, when building the website using the "release" profile.
Base class for scripts running durring a Maven building phase.
Spincast Open API BottomUp plugin.
Configurations for the Spincast Open API Bottom Up plugin.
Spincast Open API BottomUp plugin module.
The component resposible to store and tweak the informations requierd to generate the Open API specifications.
Pebble Html template engine
Configurations for the Pebble templating engine plugin.
Default implementation for the configurations of the Pebble templating engine plugin.
Suggested base class for a Spincast plugin.
Utilities related to processes, external programs and projects manipulation.
Spincast Process Utils plugin.
Spincast Process Utils plugin module.
Guice module for the Spincast Request plugin.
Messages to be added to the Dictionary.
Guice module for the Spincast Request plugin.
Guice scope for a request.
Annotation for object that need to be request scoped.
Spincast's custom ResourceHandler for Undertow.
Factory to create SpincastResourceHandler
Spincast Response plugin.
Spincast Response plugin.
Resultset that adds a "getXXXOrNull()" method for every primitive types.
Spincast router
Configurations for the Spincast Router/routing.
Default configuration for the Spincast Router.
A wrapper object for the dependencies required by SpincastRouter.
Spincast router utils
Spincast router utils implementation.
A scheduled task to run.
Factory to return ScheduledTask from the Guice context.
Gets all Scheduled Tasks that were bound in Guice's context and register them with the Scheduler.
Spincast Scheduled Tasks plugin.
Configurations for the Spincast Scheduled Tasks plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast Scheduled Tasks plugin.
Spincast Scheduled Tasks plugin module.
The object representing the Session of a visitor.
Configurations for the Spincast Session plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast Session plugin.
You should add this filter with the "skipResourcesRequests()" options so it is ignored except for main routes.
Manager for SpincastSession.
Spincast Session plugin.
Spincast Session plugin module.
Provider for the plugin's scheduled tasks.
The repository to CRUD the sessions.
The default implementation of SpincastSessionRepository is to save the sessions in a cookie, on the user.
Some few static methods.
Spincast Swagger UI plugin.
Spincast Swagger UI plugin module.
Custom Scheduler that uses our own scheduled tasks factory.
Spincast Templating Addon plugin.
Spincast Templating Addon plugin module.
Base class for Spincast test classes.
Spincast testing utilities.
Spincast TimeZone Resolver Pebble extension
Configurations for the Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin.
Default configurations for Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin.
Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin.
Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin module.
Configurations for the Spincast Undertow plugin.
Default configuration for Spincast Undertow plugin.
Server implementation using Undertow.
Undertow utilities.
Interface to create a write executor.
Spincast utilities.
Implementations of the Spincast utilities.
Spincast Variables plugin.
Spincast Variables plugin module.
Spincast Watermarker plugin.
Spincast Watermarker plugin module.
The position where a watermark will be created.
Spincast Websocket client writer
Custom XML indenter.
Spincast Jackson XML manager
Configurations for the Spincast Xml Manager plugin.
Default configuration for the Spincast Xml Manager plugin.
Note that the connection used by a Stement is not closed after the statement has been executed.
If the connection's Connection.getAutoCommit() is true/code>, the connection will be automatically closed.
A static resource, from the classpath or the file system.
Builder to create static resources.
Factory to create static resources builders.
Cache configurations available for a static resource.
Factory to create cache config for static resources.
Cors configurations available for a static resource.
Represents a static resource.
The possible types of a static resource.
The result of the syncronous execution of an external program, made using executeSync.
Implementation of the News repository that takes the news entries from template files.
Component that "evaluates" some templates or inline content, using some parameters.
Provides methods to deal with templating.
Provides a method that will be called each time a test fails.
Used to indicate if the code is run from tests!
Exception thrown when a program executed using executeSync() exceeds the specified timeout.
Component which finds the best TimeZone to use.
An object implementing this interface is able to convert itself to a JsonArray.
An object implementing this interface is able to convert itself to a JsonObject.
Implementation for the Http Client builder for a TRACE request.
Interface for a true checker.
The level of a validation.
A validation message.
Validation message implementation.
The available format for validation Messages.
Methods to read and write request scoped variables.
A Websocket client reader
A Websocket client writer
The base interface for a WebSocket context.
The base implementation for a WebSocket context object.
A wrapper object for the dependencies required by WebsocketContextBase.
Used to bind and inject the WebSocket context type.
A controller for a WebSocket connection.
Thrown if the WebSocket endpoint is already managed by another controller.
Factory to create Websocket endpoints.
WebSocket endpoint handler.
Manager for a WebSocket endpoint.
Component to send WebSocket messages on an endpoint.
Component to manage a specific peer.
Callback to handle the errors found after writing to some peers.
Builder to create a WebSocket requesté
A WebSocket route.
Builder for WebSocket routes.
Factory to create a WebSocket route builder.
Route handler that manages the upgrade from a HTTP request to a WebSocket connection, once the potential "before" filters have been ran.
WebSockets demo controller
Provides methods to work with XML strings and objects.
Mixin for Jackson.
An simple implementation of XmlMixinInfo.